"One Perfect Part at a Time"

Welcome To The THMS Blog!

Hi! I’m Dan Kautz. Welcome to The Hobbyist’s Machine Shop (THMS) Blog. A link to the THMS web site can also be found at the top of the column to the right.

This blog is dedicated to my passion for building projects using small hobby size machine tools. I estimate there are many 1000’s of hobby workshops throughout the world. This blog and attached web site describe how one of them in the U.S.A. got started, how the shop and projects grew, and what is going on today.

I am mostly dedicated to metalworking but that isn’t my only interest. I also like to make organic chips with woodworking and carving projects. Not all carving is done in wood or by hand. I hand built a CNC overhead router/carver I call the HB2 (for Home Brew #2). I also have another web site called The Hobbyist Work Shop. There is where I explore non machine work shop activities. There is also a link for that site in the right hand column in Associated Sites.

This blog and the THMS web site are not just about the tools. When viewing and reading these pages, put yourself into The Hobbyist’s Machine Shop. Projects are selected to be manageable in a small shop environment. Be prepared to spend some time to enjoy the many pictures and stories I show and tell.

Imagine what YOU can do and then share your questions, projects and experiences here in the blog. Registration is not required but you will be asked to provide some screening information. All comments must be approved by me before they become visible.

There is also the TEDEX forum. The forum is private, monitored only by me and for security, requires registration and approval to join. All membership requests with a true “on topic” interest gain access. The forum helps me and the members feel less “alone” with its sharing of common interests. TEDEX is a bit more formal and better defined for reader contribution than this blog. Come on in!

Send me an email requesting TEDEX membership.

Most of all, The Hobbyist’s Machine Shop is about having fun!

NOTE: Log in is for admin and members only, not required to post comments.