Model Engine Builder 2016
I have always looked forward to getting my copy of Model Engine Builder (MEB)
If you want to build model engines this is the publication to get. There is also a free Newsletter:
“Sign up today for our free newsletter at The sign-up form is on the right of the page. This newsletter contains some articles from the magazine but more information about other relevant issues like taking good pictures of models, etc.
Go check out their website listed above or click on the logo and start your subscription today. I just re-newed my subscription and I am not even sure where I stood on my previous one. The fact is for me each issue alone is always worth the cost of a subscription.
The author, Michael Rehmus just sent me (and probably many other subscribers) an email regarding the timeliness of his publications. The schedule is intended to be tri-monthly. However, Michael has been and still is enduring some very serious heart problems. He received a new heart valve replacement and is presently battling an infection with that surgery.
That has understandably slowed down work on the magazine. The next publication has been pushed to late October, 2016. He and his wife Toni, run a very small publication house they call Elmwood Publishing, Inc.. But he hasn’t forgotten about his subscribers. Let me say his heart is still in it. Sorry Mike, bad pun, but it’s the truth…
I figured my renewal is a vote of confidence. If you have never subscribed, now is the time. It is not all that expensive and the information is priceless, whenever it comes.
If you ARE a model engine builder, this is the publication to which you want to contribute. Mike is always looking for tips, tricks, pictures of… Continue reading
Time For Change

Time For Change
The Hobbyist Machine Shop website has served well on the Internet as encouragement for new home machinist getting started in the hobby. The ton of email (if it could be weighed) sent to me confirms this statement.
The web site was built through the years with several HTML editing tools. First was HoTMetaL Pro which many years ago went out of existence. I switched to Adobe GoLive and then to Macromedia Dreamweaver. Adobe purchased Macromedia and there was an inside battle between GoLive and Dreamweaver as to which program would be Adobe’s HTML flagship. Dreamweaver won out and is still my WYSIWYG HTML editor.
HTML5 is the newest version of HTML, created to do battle mostly against Adobe Flash. Adobe counters with Adobe Edge, a new HTML5 animation editor. I don’t do much direct FLASH editing so HTML5 is not a big deal with me (yet).
I’m getting off track, back to my story. I have been using a freeware CMS (Content Management System) web publishing tool known as Joomla. It is a graphic intensive creative and web display product written in PHP . With today’s high speed backbone and much faster user computer systems this high overhead system has been working well for me on many web sites I manage. It stores information in a MySQL database and builds the pages dynamically. Enough black magic, it just works.
Joomla and all CMS systems have a very good “back end” management system that doesn’t exist with standard HTML web sites. It is much easier to maintain all the information in a standard form. This THMS BLOG website (using WordPress and my own template) is a CMS system and works in very much the same way as Joomla.
My secret weapon to building CMS templates is Artisteer.
Bottom… Continue reading
Model Engine Builder
This is not a paid advertisement. Mike Rehmus has no idea I am making this recommendation. I have been reading this magazine since Mike and his wife Toni started publishing. If you are a real machinist and love to make small engines, this publication is for you. But then you would probably already know that. It is also THE publication to get arm chair machinists back into their shops or to get their dream shops assembled.
And… If you really just like reading about the construction of model engines, this is still the publication you need to have in your library. You will definitely save this magazine.
Low volume high quality publications are very expensive to produce. The $10.00 issue price is not someone making a fortune. Oh and I almost forgot, each issue contains a set of CAD plans for the engines presented in the issue. I get model airplane magazines too and the plans are always an extra cost addition. So an MEB subscription and the plans are well worth the investment and a wonderful contribution to building your library of full documented projects.
The website is From there you can order your subscription or purchase back issues. Remember, this is a publication full of real construction plans and know how. Tell them THMS sent you! It won’t do anything for me except make me a fan-boy.